Da Rules:
1. No Cheating of any sort. This includes all hacks, Phone or 3rd party communications Rcon, (Ghosting), Skywalking, Exploits, Illegal Scripts, etc. We are a zero tolerance clan. If you are caught cheating there is no appeal process you are banned for life.
2. Disrespecting the {P*A} and other community members will not be tolerated. If you are not a {P*A} member, do not put the tag on. You will receive only one warning.
3. No form of abuse or discrimination real or implied will be tolerated by ANY admin on this server. Give respect to all other players on the server, and try to avoid arguments.
4. Your name and your tag will be scrutinized. There will be no tolerance for nicknames that glorify terrorism or attacks on Egypt, United Kingdom, Arabs or its citizens. Examples include "Israeli And Proud" , "Fuck Country name" . These names are not all inclusive. Names that glorify or promote the use of hacks and cheats will not be permitted. Names that advertise servers, irc channels and web sites of other clans are not acceptable without permission.
5. Please follow the instructions of the Admins at all times. If you have issues with what the admin of the server is saying, please visit our forums and post your concerns. The clan leaders will handle the situation.
6. No Team Stacking. If the talent is overwhelmingly lopsided, then make it right, otherwise an Admin will make it right for you. Also, Please auto-select when joining a game. This will prevent team stacking and also ensure that the side that needs a player gets a player. If there are multiple players from the same clan in the server, we expect that they make a strong effort to divide themselves up between the two teams.
7. Please attempt to accomplish mission objectives. If it is a de_map then plant or defuse the bomb, cs_map rescue or guard the hostages, as_map assassinate or rescue the VIP.
8. Camping is allowed if it assists you in accomplishing mission objectives. Examples include Terrorists camping the hostages on Italy, or Counter-Terrorists guarding a dropped bomb on Aztec. It is also allowed if you are running dangerously low on health. P
9. Abuse of "Noobs" will not be tolerated. We are a Noob friendly server. If you are a noob, please identify yourself to an admin so that we can keep an eye on you and help you out. If you have questions or need advice ask an admin. Do not be worried about what the other players think. We were all Noobs once, and we have not forgotten how difficult it can be to find a great server and great people to play with.
10. If you suspect someone is cheating then please inform an Admin. The admin will acknowledge you and then they will assess and deal with the situation. Please do not continue to tell the admin that the person is cheating. Once we acknowledge your initial statement please continue with your game. If no admin is available, please report the person in our forums, reports that don't include a demo will not be taken seriously.
Note: Please do not waste our time with cheat accusations unless you are sure they are cheating. As amazing as it seems there are better Counter-Strike players out there than you.
Using slap, slay, kick, ban for Mic spammer, Spawn campers, Not respecting admins' player, is allowed.
But it's not allowed to abuse it.
You need to do at least 2-3 Warnings before you do any actions.
Times could be change depends on how bad it is
For mic spammer
-Tell them to stop for at least twice
-If none of the super admins are here to gag them
-1st time kick
-2nd time 15 minutes ban
-3rd time go up to 1 day
*If you remember this person keeps on mic spamming , think about longer time like 3 days.
For spawn camper
-Tell them to stop for at least 2-3 times
-If they're not going to stop
-1st time slap to see if they're going to move, if not, slay
-2nd time, if they're still camping spawn, slay
-3rd time, kick
-4th time, ban for 5 mins
*After that if you still see them spawn camps, do 10/15/30/60/more
For those players that not respecting admins
You can do a ban, but not longer than 1 hour
*Important that you need to know if they're joking or not
*Do not abuse your admin power
*Warn them nicely and try to stop them before you do the ban
example: "Please stop talking trash about admins" "If you don't stop talking trash, we've the right to ban you to make you stop"
bad example: "Respect me bitch, im the admin, want to get banned?"
Commands AMX Mod:
amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason] - Kicks a player from the server.
amx_ban <name or #userid> [reason] - Bani a player from the server.
amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] - Adds a User to the list of banned from the server.
amx_unban <authid or ip> - Forgive a player banned from this server.
amx_slay <name or #userid> - Give a slay to a player.
amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage] - slap a player in accordance with the damage.
amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] - Kicks all players who do not have these tags on the server.
amx_pause - Pause or resume the game.
amx_who - Displays who is on the server.
amx_cvar <cvar> [value] - Change or display the value of the cvar.
amx_map <nomedomapa> - Changes the map.
amx_cfg <filename> - Execute a configuration file.
amx_rcon <rcon prompt> - Execute a command on the server.
amx_plugins - Lists all loaded plugins.
amx_modules - Lists all loaded modules.
amx_say <message> - Sends a message to all users.
amx_chat <message> - Sends a message to all users.
amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> - Send a private message to the player.
amx_tsay <color> <message> - Sends a message to all players in the left corner.
amx_csay <color> <message> - Sends a message to all players at the center.
amx_votekick <name or #userid> - Starts a vote to expel a player.
amx_voteban <name or #userid> - Starts a vote to ban a player.
amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2> - Starts a vote either.
amx_cancelvote - Calcela the last poll in progress.
Hope It Gonna Help You Guys
Last edited by Meteor~ on Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total